HR Residence


This project was an exhilarating journey for us as we undertook the design of a lavish holiday home in Dubai, for a client who had an eye for impeccable taste. The client wanted the interior of the home to be a blank canvas, on which the furniture would play the lead role. To achieve this vision, we carefully curated an all-white backdrop for the walls,floors, and ceilings, creating a space that is both subtle and grandiose.

Our client yearned for an ambience that would complement the furniture pieces we selected, and we were inspired to select every item like an exhibition piece, with each furniture item standing out in its own right. Even the artwork in the home was curated to complement and elevate the furniture. We approached the furniture selection process with great care and precision, seeking to evoke the right emotions and tones within the home.

We chose soft textures and warm tones to create a space that is welcoming and elegant, while also incorporating striking pieces with strong, bold designs to create a fun contrast. Through our detailed research and selection process, we were able to bring our client’s vision to life, delivering a beautifully balanced interior that exudes subtle sophistication

  • Location / Dubai, UAE
  • Scope / Interior Design & Styling
  • Year / 2022
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